FACTORY in Chiyoda City




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Japan, 〒102-0074 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Kudanminami, 3-chōme−7−10 アーバンキューブ九段南 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 50-5487-1670
webseite: gf3b403.gorp.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6931689, Longitude: 139.7435365

kommentare 5

  • S C

    S C


    Randomly walked pass by. Very delicious bagels!

  • Jasmine Daly

    Jasmine Daly


    One of my favourite bakeries for so many reasons. Let's start with the bread. The. Bread. I love bread, and this bread is exceptional. So incredibly soft and enjoyable to eat, I could eat it all day. The Cafe area has a comfortable and somewhat cosy vibe. A very cute interior. I also got the soup of the day and sausage in a roll. The soup was so flavoursome and I ate it with the bread that I was served upon sitting down. I got some bagels to take away, sweet and savoury. The texture was perfect, a little bit chewy and dense, but still soft. The service was fantastic and staff were friendly and inviting.

  • Yui Perez

    Yui Perez


    One of the best bakeries I've been to in Tokyo! Each slice of bread was delicious and the lunch plate was so filling! The biggest quiche I've ever had and the flavour was on point. The photogenic atmosphere was cozy and welcoming as well. I highly recommend shopping before you leave as well! Bread, cookies and granola were delicious. I literally wanted to buy everything in the store. It's a bit of a walk from the station but well worth it! The short distance from the station means a relaxing and quiet atmosphere which is a rare find in Tokyo. Definitely recommend!

  • Rodolphe Billottet

    Rodolphe Billottet


    This bread shop provides nice lunch options. Today, Cuban sandwich & quiche plate were on the menu, it comes with free refill of mixed bread (campagne, bagel, baguette) which is very satisfying

  • Emilia Bergoglio

    Emilia Bergoglio


    Cute, industrial design, little bakery. They have a solid, carbs-heavy breakfast for 750¥. Lunch is also quite nice, with a selection of either soup+sandwich or quiche/pizza+salad. The staff is very nice as well.

nächste Cafe

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