Doutor in Chiyoda City




🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-2 Kanda Jinbōchō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3262-2758
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6960192, Longitude: 139.7549216

kommentare 5

  • Nanao



    I met the couple who own the building, and while the beans are being ground, they offer a small service such as a drink service and a filter, so I don't expect that, but... It's not that I'm friendly, but A very nice shop✨ I look forward to buying beans.

  • M. I.

    M. I.


    standard !

  • Asakusa Zephyr

    Asakusa Zephyr


    Dotor Coffee is run by an elderly couple who have been doing business in this location for a long time. When I came to the store on Saturday afternoon, a couple were both at the counter. Even though it's a chain store, it had a very nice atmosphere that felt like a coffee shop in the city. Even though the food menu and drinks are supposed to taste the same (because it's a franchise), they taste delicious. Atmosphere is important. I felt like it was a good idea to come to the store at this time on a Saturday.

  • 吉田真



    ・Good Wi-Fi environment. ・No outlet seats. ・Smoking booth available (no eating or drinking allowed, no seating). This is a store with a Showa/Heisei feel. Saturday is very relaxing.

  • Charles Nishikawa

    Charles Nishikawa


    Only 7 non smoking seats down staires. The upper floor has 30 seats but all smoking! It is unbelievable this sort of place still exists.

nächste Cafe

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