ecomo w Fujisawa




🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-6-20 Jōnan, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0057, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 466-36-7385
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.348024, Longitude: 139.4562

komentarze 5

  • 岩崎達哉



    Koya tofu with sweet chili sauce ➕I received the spring-only koji tiramisu. All are vegan The crunchy texture of Koya tofu I hated it though This Koya tofu has a meat-like texture. It's like sweet and sour pork Koji tiramisu is rich and delicious. Is it okay to use half the amount? My wife Cream pasta with mushrooms and white beans and pesticide-free strawberry ice cream Close to sherbet half size salad Vegan cheese is excellent This is

  • おおだぬき



    I was able to spend a relaxing time in the bright and clean store. The bread was chewy and delicious, and the curry had a nice sourness from the tomatoes.

  • むかいだまどか



    This is a wonderful store that is a renovated warehouse and offers a relaxing atmosphere (୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧ There is also a parking lot in front of the store and across the street. Telephone reservation is required! ! organic restaurant 🍴 When you order a dish from the menu, you get all-you-can-eat bread! (*゚Д゚艸) So, I ordered a warm vegetable salad (large) with aged roast chicken. The rich potage that I ordered separately had the natural tenderness of vegetables, but it was rich. Three types of chewy and fluffy breads are available. ⬆️ You can purchase it at Ecomo. The long-awaited 𓌉🥗𓇋 main dish has arrived〰️ The volume is amazing✨ I have two roast chickens! ! ! My companion had free-range chicken sautéed with lemon cream, this and two pieces! ! Huge volume (ノ∀`lol) It's crunchy and delicious, perfect with the warm vegetables and dressing topped with plenty of vegetables ♡ The food went well...I ended up getting a second helping of bread (´•ᢦ•ก)𖤐 ̖́- What I thought was disappointing was that there were no towels or napkins. Ecomo has an organic restaurant, a bakery, and a shop, so you can enjoy shopping. There is also a space where children can play〰️. Also, it was a shop with a calm atmosphere that made you want to come ☆☆☆

  • Nozomi Shimada

    Nozomi Shimada


    The atmosphere is nice, and the meals are rich in vegetables, well-balanced in terms of nutrition and seasoning, and are plentiful. There's also a kids' space inside the store, so you can enjoy your meal without worrying if you're bringing your kids along. Although it is a little far from the station, there is a parking lot. It can get crowded at late hours, so we recommend reserving a seat.

  • MOTO E

    MOTO E


    Additive-free organic restaurant! There is also a kids plate, so you can bring your 1-year-old to eat as well. There are three tatami rooms for four people in the back, and there are also children's chairs. The rest will be tables and chairs. The parking lot can accommodate about 10 cars across the street. During normal times, the restaurant is empty for lunch, so you can have a very relaxing time. All of the dishes are made with organic ingredients and no additives, and are priced around 1,500 yen.You can choose from salad, pasta, rice, or a main dish, and all of them come with all-you-can-eat bread. You can also buy bread from the bakery in the same facility on your way home. One type of kids plate costs 650 yen. Mixed rice (white or brown rice), fried soybean meat, sweet potato sticks, apple, and juice (apple or mandarin orange). Personally, I thought the pasta was the most delicious and it was a rich creamy pasta that I couldn't believe was organic with no additives. Also, the taste of organic coffee is very delicious. Dessert is 400 yen, coffee and latte are all 350 yen, so it is recommended for cafe use. We also have organic apple juice, tangerine juice, ginger ale, etc. There is a bakery in the same facility, and they sell additive-free organic ingredients, so you can buy the same things as at the restaurant. Surplus materials for construction are placed at the entrance and can be taken home freely. There was nothing in there that day.

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