eato in Sendai




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Japan, 〒983-0852 Miyagi, Sendai, Miyagino Ward, Tsutsujigaoka, 1-chōme−7−8 ADビル 2階
kontakte telefon: +81 22-794-8957
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2581835, Longitude: 140.8856398

kommentare 5

  • Supaaut Anugulruengkitt

    Supaaut Anugulruengkitt


    This restaurant offers set meals like hamburg, grilled fish, and belly pork. The portions are generous and the prices are reasonable. The restaurant is quite small, so it can fill up quickly.

  • Masahiro Endo

    Masahiro Endo


    I was looking for a dinner restaurant in Katsuoka and this caught my eye since I love fish. I was a little hesitant as it was my first visit, but I was shown a seat at the counter, took a breather, and was given a thorough explanation of the menu. I immediately ordered beer and the Hokke grilled set meal that I was looking for. Even the set meals were made with nutritional considerations in mind, and we received miso soup and side dishes made with a variety of ingredients. The rice probably tastes like Tsuyahime. The inside of the store was decorated with cat goods, creating a warm atmosphere. I would also like to try other set meals. It was very delicious. thank you very much.

  • ぬここ



    I always use the daily lunch special. The photo shows beef tendon stew in tomato and cod pickled in Nanban. In both cases, the meat and fish were tender and the seasoning was not too strong, making it delicious to the last bite. You can check the daily lunch specials on the sign in front of the store or on Instagram. It's not a hearty flavor, but a calming flavor that reminds you of home. The miso soup that comes with it is full of ingredients and the gentle flavor of the soup stock will make you feel warm. The daily main dish is often meat or fish, so I think it's a nutritionally balanced set meal. It also comes with a salad, so you can eat less rice, so you can eat it without feeling guilty even if you're on a diet. A large bowl of rice was an additional 30 yen. I think it's not enough for big eaters, but for the average person, the overall amount is just right and you can eat it for less than 1000 yen, so I think it's a good value for money. For those ordering lunch, you can add a drink such as coffee, Java tea, or juice for an additional 100 yen. The inside of the store is small, and there are only a few counter or table seats, so we recommend going with one or two people. When I went, I was mostly alone. Also, I went there at around 12:30, but by 1:30 p.m., the place was almost full, and everyone had ordered the daily lunch special, so by the time I left the restaurant around 1:30 p.m., it was sold out. If you really want to eat it, we recommend going around 12:00!

  • rach g.

    rach g.


    A lovely, quiet little place served by a kind lady. My dinner was so delicious!

  • Jerfareza Daviano

    Jerfareza Daviano


    The place is small and has only a few tables but it feels like home. The food during lunchtime is awesome (I personally like the daily set lunch) and it doesn't set you back much. Perhaps the only downside is that sometimes you have to share seat with other customers. Other than that it's a good place to eat.

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