DUMBO i Minato-ku




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒106-0045 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Azabujūban, 2 Chome−17−6 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-6435-0176
internet side: www.dumbodc.com
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Latitude: 35.653957, Longitude: 139.735837

kommentar 5

  • en

    Frances Sun


    Really light in texture however the dough ring is just way too big. Passion fruit flavor is gorgeous.

  • F P

    F P


    Best doughnuts I've had. The coffees are great too, big and cheap. They may serve minimal things but this is the best thing about the place, less is more, and this is not America with ridiculously long menus (whoever moaned about the drinks they serve). The doughnuts are so soft but some flavours they really do not have a clue about here. The chocolate is awful and whatever chocolate they use they need to change. The matcha and cheesecake are unbelievable. Every now and then they'll have new flavours, most of which really sound awful (melon and chocolate...), If you're going to experiment with flavours, get it right. Also be prepared for empty headed native girls who tend to flock here to take photos of everything they buy.

  • J



    The donuts come in a variety of interesting flavours. The two times I've visited, the staff was not the most friendly. The place sits around 5 people and 3 standing, so taking the food to go is a good idea. The place serves a minimal selection of drinks.

  • Krishna Pterofractal Sivaranjan

    Krishna Pterofractal Sivaranjan


    Good doughnut but way too big. It is a bit difficult to eat. The place seems popular so don’t count on being able to sit in the cafe. Their is a small park near by which is nice.

  • Dian Amalia

    Dian Amalia


    A classic fried donut with some modern glaze touch, very delicious. The texture is soft and light, though the size is huge so very fulfilling. At first I thought it would be too sweet, apparently it has perfect sweetness. Good with coffee. The shop is very small, so it’s better for shop and go. Price is also affordable.

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