Gouter de maman i Minato City

JapanGouter de maman



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒108-0073 Tokyo, Minato City, Mita, 2-chōme−17−29 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3456-3205
internet side: www.g-maman.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6474685, Longitude: 139.7398707

kommentar 5

  • koki kato (カトちゃんねる)

    koki kato (カトちゃんねる)


    I had been curious about the store for a while, and every time I passed by it it was closed, so I decided to visit it since it was finally open! Classic puddings are often posted on social media, and as a pudding lover myself, pudding is my only choice. There were several types of cakes lined up in the showcase, but they were expensive. I wouldn't say it's too expensive, but it's Tokyo prices, so even though it's really small, it's expensive. But what I'm looking for is pudding, so I ordered pudding today. (And cafe latte) ·Pudding When I looked at other photos on Tabelog, I saw a lot of them served with fruit or fresh cream, so I wanted fresh cream, but... Does this mean I should enjoy the pudding? Hmm. Hard pudding with lots of milk. I like the caramel to be very dark, but the pudding batter has a lot of milk and isn't very rich, so it only tastes like caramel lol It would have been even better if there was fresh cream.

  • じゅりぽん



    I've always wanted to go, This is what I've been aiming for all along. A store I always looked at when I was passing by. For in-store use. Turn the corner of Keio and enter the alley right next to it. There is a nice exterior that looks like a Western-style building. During my break from work, I had a talk with a nearby friend. Let's meet somewhere ❗, I suddenly designated this place. It was tea time around 13:30, There was only one foreign male customer in the store. Seats for 4 people near the window. With a seat like a dining table in the center It feels like it can seat 4 people. A very rare eat-in restaurant with only 8 seats. I was lucky to be seated right away. ◆Caramel pudding In-store price 600 yen ◆Au Le Glace 660 yen Up the stairs to the store from the road, There is a cake showcase at the front of the store. When you ask the store staff for permission to take photos, No cake showcases... In the showcase Chocolate cake with small cut pieces It looks like it's about 500 yen. There is no whole cake, but a long thin chocolate cake. It was around 2300 yen. We also have cookies, baked goods, etc. Packed in a box as a souvenir, It was sold like a gift box. Now, Tell them you will be using the restaurant, take a seat and order. When I took my seat, water was served. order. And soon, The long-awaited caramel pudding is \(>_

  • Satoshi Tanaka

    Satoshi Tanaka


    I went there around noon on a holiday! I was lucky enough to be seated, but there are only two tables, so if your timing is bad, you might not be able to get a seat. The pudding and milk tea were delicious😆 A lot of people came for takeout.

  • ana purna

    ana purna


    cute little cake shop. perfect for Christmas or birthdays.

  • Hiroko Nodera

    Hiroko Nodera


    Serious desserts. Swirling flavours.

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