Dukes Hotel Hakata i Fukuoka

JapanDukes Hotel Hakata


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2-chōme-3-9 Hakata Ekimae, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0011, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-472-1800
internet side: www.dukes-hotel.com
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Latitude: 33.5898883, Longitude: 130.4173448

kommentar 5

  • Pジ



    The location is good, near to Hakata station. The room is old but the price is not high so i think it's valuable. There is no car parking lot.

  • Anrui Jiang

    Anrui Jiang


    Nice staff. Complimentary breakfast is good. Convenient location very close from JR station. The room is small but has everything you need. The only unpleasant thing is the room has a fishy odor.

  • Frank Hu

    Frank Hu


    Located within really close walking distance from the Hakata JR Station and in close proximity to convenience stores. Design of the hotel resembled a more European style hotel. Rooms can be booked with breakfast included or purchased separately.

  • Ian Manzy

    Ian Manzy


    The airport made a reservation for me at this hotel when my flight was cancelled. I was mostly pleased with their accommodations. The "complimentary" breakfast was good but should not have come at such an additional cost in my opinion. The staff was very professional and helpful. My room was clean, in good working order, and stocked with everything I needed.

  • Edwin Rollins

    Edwin Rollins


    Its a very quiet and relaxing kind of hotel. The entire staff is soo friendly and spoke very good english. The room is cozy with no view but the location makes up for that. A 2 minute walkand your in Hakata Station where you will find very delicious foods and shop till you drop stores. Live music and holiday festivities.

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