The Royal Park Hotel Fukuoka i Fukuoka

JapanThe Royal Park Hotel Fukuoka



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2-chōme-14-15 Hakata Ekimae, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0011, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-414-1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5906799, Longitude: 130.4154264

kommentar 5

  • Er BS

    Er BS


    Poor front desk service, not the most convenient location, about 20 minutes walk from Hakata station. Cafe was adjacent to reception, hence the lobby smelled food court all the time!

  • JK



    Room is quite dusty thats why its a 2 but still gave 3 star for overall cleanliness bed and bathroom was okay. Location, breakfast, and front desk staff service was good.

  • Toxicwaste920



    Room is very small for 3 people. No space to put our luggages. Not even a minute before to check in, which is 3pm, so people line up just to check in which is ridiculous. Was not explained if they have breakfast service or not. Only plus is its close to hakata station. Hard to find if you're not familiar. Old TV in the room. Shower has transparent glass partition. For 3 people, we each have to wait to use the toilet... light switch only has 1 button control that turns off/on all lights. Bad design.

  • Garfield Cat

    Garfield Cat


    We only stayed for a night. Room is quite small for 3. I had a parcel that was supposed to be delivered to this hotel days before my check in. However I realised that the English address in the Google website of this hotel was incomplete and when translated to Japanese, the courier man could not locate the hotel and my parcel could not be delivered for many days. On the day of my check in, I spoke to one lady receptionist (by name of Zhuo in Chinese). My intention is for her to assist me to call the courier service as a translator (to confirm the delivery address as a final attempt) as the following day would be my departure from Japan. The phone operation was in Japanese and therefore I could not communicate on phone with them. Zhuo told me that she could not assist as this was my personal issue. In fact I was quite upset that she replied this way. She even said that this was not their fault and I asked her if it was my fault then? She was unhelpful and had arrogant behaviour and I seriously think she should not be working for the hotel as she would tarnish the reputation of this hotel. I got assistance from the Manager Shinya Kawakami and Assistant Manager Yukie Akiyoshi eventually though the matter was not fully resolved and I got assistance from somewhere else. Fortunately the parcel finally arrived late on that day before my departure. The “shin” word was left out in the address in the Google website of this hotel. Would be good if this hotel can update their address correctly to prevent inconvenience to their guests in future. I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to Yukie and Shinya who tried to assist me. Thank you.

  • Scott Ng

    Scott Ng


    Stay one night for its convenience to nearby eateries and to the train stations. Firstly, service was prompt and professional. Staff knows English and is good for non-Japanese speaking tourists. The hotel is stylish and grand. Very well furnished hotel with big rooms and luxurious amenities. Really love their shower and toilet. Also impressed by their smart TV and modern gadgets in the room. Love their breakfast, too. Even though the variety is limited but they make up for the quality. Overall, I really enjoyed the stay over at the hotel.

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