Don Quijote, Shinjuku w Shinjuku-ku

JaponiaDon Quijote, Shinjuku



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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
1 Chome-12-6 Ōkubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to 169-0072, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5292-7411
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.699043, Longitude: 139.7030053

komentarze 5

  • marimo chan

    marimo chan


    This location was far better than the insanely crammed, super tiny aisled Kabukicho store. Now I know what some reviewers meant when they said the Kabukicho store is a fire trap! I liked the large variety of different kit Kat flavors they had and one bag was 398 yen which was a pretty good deal. They have a pretty risque adult section and that made it interesting as well.

  • David Rivera

    David Rivera


    All-in-one store. This is sort of like a wallmart kind of place. You can find everything you need here. Place is a little bit packed yes but nothing out of the ordinary.

  • Liam Brennan

    Liam Brennan


    This place is HECTIC. IT IS SO NUTS. There are people in there all the time and they have so much product that it is hard to imagine stocktaking it all. Since it is basically in Korea town you will find a range of Soju for a good price and you’ll also get some pretty decent beer prices. Big fan of the huge range of kit kats too! Can be very overwhelming stepping inside for the first time, so just get ready.

  • William Lou

    William Lou


    Great place. Unlike any other Don Quijote, this place wasn’t that near station and location in the middle of small road. Place is big. Not that crowded.

  • en

    Gladys L


    Arrived around 1030pm on a weekday night and found the place less crowded, and therefore had a much better shopping experience, than the branch located nearer to Shinjuku station. The goods are not necessarily the cheapest but it serves as a convenient one stop centre for a good selection of Japanese products. Try the baked sweet potatoes at the entrance - really comforting on a chilly night!

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