Seoul Ichiba w Shinjuku City

JaponiaSeoul Ichiba



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒169-0072 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Ōkubo, 1-chōme−16−15 豊生堂ビル 1階
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3208-0979
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.70118, Longitude: 139.702912

komentarze 5

  • Megan Wimberley

    Megan Wimberley


    Great Korean market—prices seem reasonable and they have a great selection! It’s popular so it can be cramped inside but the register staff are friendly and fast and then you’re sent to another register on the side to pay

  • Anna Winters

    Anna Winters


    Convenient prices and a lot of items. They have a bento section with different korean dishes prepared on the spot.

  • Ryoko



    This is the nearest Korean market from Shinokubo station. It's pretty crowded but it's fun to look around so many varieties of Korean items. What made me suprised is frozen PIG HEAD! I don't know who can cook this item...They also have fresh food section such as gimbap, hoteokke and macaron. It's good to get daily food materials or sovenior.

  • Badtzmaru Cheers

    Badtzmaru Cheers


    The shop has the plenty kind of Korean stuffs. Really appreciated to shopping there but it was very crowded. The price is expensive compared with the nearby store.

  • Andrew Williams

    Andrew Williams


    Went to check out their “hot dog” and their newly sold”long” (ロング). They both tasted great, but the sausage in the hot dog was minuscule and the long was shorter than the hot dog.

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