Nippondaira Hotel w Shizuoka

JaponiaNippondaira Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1500-2 Mabase, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0875, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-335-1131
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9801528, Longitude: 138.4652556

komentarze 5

  • Oscar Lee

    Oscar Lee


    This is such a wonderful hotel. They have free shuttle bus services every hour from Shizuoka station or Higashi Shizuoka station. That was convenient as we came from Tokyo and got down at Shizuoka station. We got the superior twin room facing Mount Fuji on the third floor, with a small balcony. The view was excellent and the best part was that you could see it lying on your bed. The package came with dinner and breakfast. Both were excellent. Apart from this, the service and hospitality provided by the hotel staff were top tier. Would recommend.

  • Dominick Molina

    Dominick Molina


    On a mountain looking at Mt Fuji nothing more to say absolutely beautiful ohhh and the food was delicious great place to stay and not pricey at all USD goes a long way.

  • A K

    A K


    Everything was excellent. The room was fantastic and the French dinner (I had the option of French or Japanese when I booked a package that included breakfast and dinner) was beyond my expectation. I went there to celebrate my mother's birthday, and she was thrilled to get special attention, such as a welcome dessert and a birthday dessert plate at the dinner table. Japanese Breakfast was also quite yummy. The main reason we were unable to see Mt. Fuji well during our visit was the presence of kousa, Chinese yellow sand. Apart from that, everything was wonderful and the stay was truly unforgettable. From Shizuoka JR station, a free shuttle service is available. Highly recommended!!!

  • Eri W

    Eri W


    You don't have a store near by and it's on top of the mountain so if you need something, you're in trouble. We had a nice view of Mount Fuji because of the weather. My 2 year old loved their garden cus he was able to run around. The French dinner was so cheap at like 7700 yen per person. That's like 50 bucks while 157 JPY = 1 USD. Wish they had a big bath like most places in Japan, but they have a decent size bathtub in the rooms.

  • Jeon San

    Jeon San


    Best views of Fuji Mountain. The hotel is a luxurious but reasonable price. It has amazing views. Not only Fuji Mountain but much more than that. The room is big and clean. The room is decent and cozy rather than luxury. The hotel has a terrace cafe. They have the lunch afternoon tea-set, and it is only 3200 yen (for 2 people). It is incredible. Good price! Very strongly recommend.

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