Dodgers w Akita




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Miyata-20-1 Hiroomote, Akita, 010-0041, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 18-837-3880
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7143868, Longitude: 140.1483828

komentarze 5

  • あおぞら



    I'm glad that the building was successfully rebuilt and renewed after the flood in July 2023. Personally, I think this is the best solution, focusing on semi-self-checkout (staff reads the products and customers pay using the payment machine). I am impressed by their customer-oriented and elderly-friendly policy of not introducing a complete self-checkout system. The other day, there were a lot of cashiers at the store during busy hours, so I counted them and was surprised to find 8 people working the registers in parallel. (Although it may have been a coincidence.) I was grateful that I didn't have to wait at the cash register and was able to pay smoothly and in the shortest possible time. I would like other stores to follow suit. (As an aside: As a suggestion, how about having Akita Prefecture's fastest cash register staff seated during their free time?) Dodgers has a lot of bargains and you can shop at treasure hunt intervals. I think this is the most interesting supermarket in Akita city. However, even though the products are displayed cheaply, there are times when the deals are not that great, so I think this is a store that really tests the customer's eyes (lol). I'm surprised that the red Mate card I made in the Showa era, over 40 years ago, is still durable and still usable without breaking (lol) I think it's a store that I hope will continue to prosper as a local business. I can't go there every day because it's a little far away, but I'd like to go shopping on the weekends to buy some cheap things.

  • 雨


    I've used it several times, but after last year's flood, it became easier to buy! The manager was featured on TV news when the store was being rebuilt due to water damage and when it was newly opened, and I can see how good of a person he is. I can't go there often due to the distance, but I would like the Hiromen store to remain as it is.

  • 松橋忠




  • Asaita Anggorowati

    Asaita Anggorowati


    The fruits are a way cheaper, but we need to be careful in choosing. So far, the service is good. Once, I ever got the low quality one and the staff directly told me. She gave me a choice to look for another new one or take back my money. おすすめスーパー!

  • Astiti Anggorowati

    Astiti Anggorowati


    Cheapest fruits and others so far

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