Dodgers Shokuhinkan w Akita

JaponiaDodgers Shokuhinkan



🕗 godziny otwarcia

8-25 Kawashiriōkawamachi, Akita, 010-0942, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 18-827-7200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7132277, Longitude: 140.0904606

komentarze 5

  • 鈴木ぢゃすこ



    6 pieces of turban shells for 398 yen It was cheap

  • フラウ*



    I bought a lot of meat and fish because I thought they were cheap and of good quality. I stopped by just after 3pm on a Sunday afternoon, and it was very lively. If it were in my neighborhood, I would definitely love it!!

  • KAZU



    Perhaps because I went there just before closing time, there weren't many cheap items... It's inconvenient that the Dodgers and the Dodgers Food Store are across the road... It's an inconvenience for those who want to shop at both! The building is old, and the restrooms in the food hall are only on the second floor, and there is no sales floor on the second floor, only a parking lot...The restrooms are not clean and look old. I guess I had too high expectations for the food hall, but I didn't find any appealing products and only bought a few items...I look forward to seeing what they do in the future.

  • Hiroshi Murayama

    Hiroshi Murayama


    This is a conscientious shop that sells special raw sushi starting at 380 yen (excluding tax). Because it's a popular store, it's always crowded and the inside is small, so you can't push your cart around and shop slowly.However, when you go there, you can find some bargains and the side dishes are delicious, so I use this store. . As I wrote above, this is a restaurant that offers raw sushi starting at 380 yen, and other restaurants In that case, compared to the price starting from 500 yen or 600 yen, we will sell from this price, I feel the Dodgers' corporate efforts and conscience. The store staff is very responsive and the store offers great deals, so I use it often. Regarding parking, I always use the parking lot on the second floor because it is easy to park. I park on the second floor, but when I go out onto the street, it's difficult to turn left. It is better to be careful of pilots and cars. Mate membership days are set every month, so please visit the service counter. By registering as a member, issuing a membership card, and presenting it at checkout, you can enjoy great deals. (The calendar for that month is distributed at the service counter) Addition: Later on, I purchased 250 yen and 298 yen items at the sushi corner. Add photos. I think both are good when you want to eat sushi at a reasonable price.

  • Admiral 56

    Admiral 56


    Wide variety of products and cheap. There is a Mate member sale several times a month, and there are days when you get a 5% discount and days when you get a 3% discount. Sale items run out quickly. We also have some pretty good fish, frozen foods for commercial use, gift items sold in bulk, and a variety of other things. There are many kinds of side dishes and they are delicious. Also, sweets are plentiful and quite cheap. Many people buy in bulk. However, the parking lot is small. It gets really crowded on sale days. Be careful when entering and exiting. There is a toilet, but it is on the second floor and is quite rundown. That's a shame. Please be careful as most carry carts have poor legs other than the rear. The downside is that you don't have much choice when it's crowded.

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