第四北越銀行 新津中央支店 en Niigata

Japón第四北越銀行 新津中央支店



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-4-15 Niitsuhonchō, Akiha Ward, Niigata, 956-0864, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 250-22-5161
sitio web: www.dhbk.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.797454, Longitude: 139.1242945

comentarios 5

  • fukushiki hisaya

    fukushiki hisaya


  • あゆ



    When I tried to use the ATM around 6pm on Saturday, the parking lot was full. However, there were no people using the ATMs, and most of them were full of cars parked without permission. As two cars came out, I was able to park and use the ATM, but the women in their 20s who were in the car that parked just after parked the car, started putting on makeup and appeared to be getting out of the car. There was no such thing. People who really want to use it cannot park there. I would like to see more enforcement.

  • Y T

    Y T


    Thank you for your kind response. thank you very much. Thank you for your kind and easy-to-understand response, even though the company name has changed.

  • 青木徳栄



    Good response from staff❗️

  • Hideaki Kawamura

    Hideaki Kawamura


    🏦💴I go to nearby Daiko⁉️

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