Hokuetsu Bank Kobari Branch en Niigata

JapónHokuetsu Bank Kobari Branch



🕗 horarios

16-12 Matsumidai, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2072, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-231-6161
sitio web: www.dhbk.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.8918506, Longitude: 138.9907494

comentarios 5

  • 末次孝



  • ぶり〜ふ



    Stop glaring at me, it's just unpleasant.

  • 片山徹也



    The parking lot is small. There are 3 ATMs, but they are busy from the 25th to the end of the month, so it's best to fill out your bankbook early.

  • bluebottle sbux

    bluebottle sbux


    The branch that will remain when it becomes Daishi Hokuetsu Bank The Daishi Bank, which is located just down the city road Kobari Line, will also be merged with Hirashima's Daishi Bank, making it a valuable place to withdraw money for free. It's in front of the bus stop for the Nishi-Kobari Line bus heading towards Niigata Station. There are a lot of people who are littering, and Niigata Kotsu has posted a notice, but the number hasn't decreased. It looks like the Hokuetsu Bank is probably cleaning it...

  • 阿彦剛男



    The parking lot is easy to use considering the location, but I think it would be better if there was a money exchange machine.

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