デンタルオフィス天神北 en Fukuoka




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Japan, 〒810-0001 Fukuoka, Chuo Ward, Tenjin, 4-chōme−1−17 博多天神ビル 1F-A
contactos teléfono: +81 92-406-8860
sitio web: www.tenjin-kita.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.594008, Longitude: 130.40057

comentarios 5

  • YY



    I had something I wanted to ask, so I called and a dental hygienist answered, but she answered in a very troubled voice, seemed lethargic during the phone call, and laughed at my questions as if she were making fun of me. , I felt really bad. Also, I'm not very good at explaining things and I don't understand what they're saying. I don't understand why I have to behave like that. After that, the teacher asked me to change even though I was busy talking. I like the doctor's explanations because they are very easy to understand, kind, and sincere in his treatment, but I don't want to go there because of the dental hygienist. Then there are people who are bad at cleaning their mouths.

  • ゆまつ



    I felt that he was a doctor who explained everything properly and made me feel at ease. He is a dentist I would recommend to others.

  • 小西美輪(ふわり沖縄)



    I am always indebted to the female doctor, Dr. Mimi. We will provide you with thorough explanations and treat you in a way that preserves as much of your teeth as possible, so you can trust us with your treatment. He is very efficient and the treatment is completed quickly. I think he is a great doctor. I have now moved to another prefecture, but I still haven't found a good place to stay other than here, so I go for checkups regularly. This is a recommended dentist.

  • may



    I had my wisdom teeth removed. I felt very at ease because the female doctor explained everything thoroughly.

  • Mei N

    Mei N


    I had my wisdom teeth removed, which my local dentist said was difficult to do. I was given stitches, and after a while they were removed. During tooth extraction treatment, a cloth is placed over your entire face (only your mouth is open), so you won't be able to see anything. It didn't hurt because I was under anesthesia. The service and atmosphere were good.

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