Dashi Doraku Yoshiura shop in Kure

JapanDashi Doraku Yoshiura shop



🕗 öffnungszeiten

6545-10 Yoshiuracho, Kure, Hiroshima 737-0854, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 823-38-7800
webseite: dashidouraku.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.273087, Longitude: 132.5170408

kommentare 5

  • Toru Yamanaka

    Toru Yamanaka


    The combination of the original soup stock and the fried offal is so deep that I end up drinking the entire soup every time💦 My favorite noodle is probably thin udon. Ramen is like dried noodles and can be hard at times, so it's best to hold back and let the soup soak up the noodles before you start eating. The soup stock is delicious, so if you have room, it would be a good idea to add some rice to enjoy a variety.

  • Qちゃん



    It was my first time visiting ♪ Udon comes in thin and thick noodles, so you can choose the one you like. Other than that, there was egg-cooked rice with rice. You can choose tempura, meat, or egg for your udon! I chose to have it all...but it also included fried tofu, making it a tenkudama kitsune udon ♪ The taste was delicious ♪ I visited again. This time, I ate rice with egg ♪ When I added dashi soup and soy sauce to it, it was delicious!

  • Johnny



    I was lucky enough to get a parking space because it’s usually full because of how popular they are! Ordered Beef udon with the skinny noodles and it was delicious!

  • 竹村昭二




  • LEO



    Location is nice in sea front. I ate Tempura Udon and Hijiki Onigiri are enough for lunch and Udon taste good and soup is hot. Actually I felt soup is too much sweet for me. Inside restaurant is very small then cannot relax for eating.

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