Daruma Main Shop w Sapporo

JaponiaDaruma Main Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 怒064-0805 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 5 Jōnishi, 4-chōmeāˆ’ļ¼” ć‚ÆćƒŖć‚¹ć‚æćƒ«ćƒ“ćƒ« 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 11-552-6013
strona internetowej: sapporo-jingisukan.info
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 43.0538364, Longitude: 141.3524624

komentarze 5

  • pam pam

    pam pam


    I arrived 30 minutes before the restaurant opened and found myself 12th in line, allowing me to be among the first group to dine when the doors opened. Inside, the restaurant conveniently provides lockers for coat storage. We opted to try one of each type of meat offered. The overall taste was okay, but not as exceptional as some reviews had led us to expect. I believe that dining here once for the experience is sufficient.

  • 恋恚恋恚



    Aaaaaaaawesome. Itā€™s so simple but pretty tasty. If you care about cost performance, you must come. We waited about 20mins, and eat about 40mins. I was so satisfied with taste and atmosphere. To order is so simple, menu is sophisticated. Iā€™ve never eaten like this tasty šŸ Needless to say, we take dense smell of rumsšŸbe careful. Eat and drink much!

  • Camilla



    The restaurant was very busy at dinner time, itā€™s only counter seats that become very crowded and tight when there is a lot of people. I found that for the small portions of meat served, the price was a bit too high. However the meat itself was good and I canā€™t complain. The kimchi was also delicious and so the pickled vegetables. We had to wait only 10 minutes to be seated.

  • Peter Lin

    Peter Lin


    Mutton Bbq. Literally Genghis Khan style bbq which reminded me of the dome shape bbq called mookata from Thailand. Plenty of stalls here in Sapporo and it is supposed to be a must try diner here. We went to the main shop which is quite near a branch. Both equally long queue but the main shop sits only about 15 pax and we decided to queue for more than an hour for seats. Honestly not impressed with this.

  • John Z

    John Z


    We waited for more than two hours to get in. They have only 12 seats so please consider this when you need to make decision on if you want to wait in the waiting line. Once we get in, we found we would have to cook by ourselves. They only offered to rare lamb. So how good the food is really depends on how good your bbq skills you have. When waiting outside in the line, thereā€™s no chair or anything to sit. You have to stand on the street for the whole waiting period. Not a pleasure experience.

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