Danke w Kobe




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-19-16 Mikagegunge, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 658-0048, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 78-843-6050
strona internetowej: mikage-danke.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7241231, Longitude: 135.2529816

komentarze 5

  • elisa bandera

    elisa bandera


    Unique!!! A must visit if u are in town

  • Mona J

    Mona J


    I normally don't like coffee but I LOOOOVED this. I really wanted to try it because of the butter element and it was WOW. The couple serving me were absolutely wonderful and so passionate and kind. What a great coffee experience.

  • 食いしん坊プリンセス



    A coffee shop famous for its butter blend coffee. Butter blend coffee is made by infusing coffee beans with butter immediately after roasting to bring out the rich flavor. At that time, it was common to add fresh coffee, milk, and sugar to soften the taste of coffee, but after much trial and error, they realized that adding these things would spoil the original color and flavor of the coffee. This is Teraguchi's butter blend, a unique secret method that the young Mr. Teraguchi spent four years creating. Coffee cups line the wall. The coffee cup is made by Okura Toen, a long-established manufacturer of high-quality Western tableware. It's fun to look at the cute cups! #Today's tea time ★Butter blend coffee 650 yen ★Coffee jelly 900 yen Butter blend coffee has an impressive bitter and rich taste. Coffee jelly matches the strong feeling of jelly with the sweetness of whipped cream and ice cream ♡

  • Nali Yan

    Nali Yan


    I can’t judge anything about coffee but this is definitely one of the best answers for serving a cup of coffee. I fully enjoyed the flavour.

  • Shinichi Sato

    Shinichi Sato


    Just after roasting these beans are added with butter with salt. We can smell subtle flavor of butter. The butter coffee is dense but have clear taste.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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