Curry specialty store Sanrio i Miyazaki

JapanCurry specialty store Sanrio



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Japan, 〒880-0844 Miyazaki, Yanagimaruchō, 135−2 ビッグエムワン
kontakter telefon: +81 985-26-0380
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.9255787, Longitude: 131.4354589

kommentar 5

  • sx ma180

    sx ma180


    I have only ever eaten dry curry here. Ever since my friend brought me here, my only choice has been dry curry. Mataki mask

  • hiro o

    hiro o


    A smooth curry. It had some spice but wasn't spicy so I found it easy to eat. There were quite a few people who ordered it with 10 spiciness, so if you want it spicy, you might want to go for spiciness. The store has counter and table seats. It is crowded at lunch time and the place fills up quickly. Since the shop is run by a husband and wife, it may take some time. I appreciate that you let me know in advance that this menu will take a little longer depending on the order status. The parking lot is also used as a ramen shop in front of the building. In addition to the space in front of the store, there is also a parking space at the back of the building, so if it's crowded, go there.

  • 旅好きの孤独のグルメ



    The parking lot is shared with Tadokoro Shoten, and there is ample space at the back of the store. A kid who looks like a character you've seen somewhere is holding curry! The store is run down and requires some courage to enter, but it's a normal curry shop.

  • blanche 482

    blanche 482


    [It's a completely unique curry no matter when you eat it] Visited for lunch on Tuesday, July 5th. I ordered "Fish fry curry 650 yen". The curry seems to be instant, the rice is normal, and even the fish fry is instant. I'm not sure how this restaurant can continue to operate, but it seems that regular local customers come here. I won't be returning alone. Thank you for the meal. [There are no features at all] Visited for lunch on Thursday, November 25th. I ordered bacon fried egg curry for 700 yen. The curry looked like a store-bought product, the rice was dry, Bacon and fried eggs are normal. There are no features at all. Is it an advantage to be close to your company? Thank you for the meal.

  • Brian Tom

    Brian Tom


    good katsu curry for a good price. flavorful japanese curry. crispy katsu. glad i found this place. the place is a little dirty though.

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