Karamenya Masumoto Miyazaki Honten i Miyazaki

JapanKaramenya Masumoto Miyazaki Honten



🕗 åbningstider

Tsuchida-174-1 Shinbeppuchō, Miyazaki, 880-0834, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 985-89-2585
internet side: www.karamenya-masumoto.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.9266803, Longitude: 131.4539951

kommentar 5

  • Hanako Hana

    Hanako Hana


    I received Masumoto's special chilled tsukemen, which is only available in the summer, with all the toppings. It was topped with spicy menma, half a boiled egg, two slices of chashu, spinach, and shredded seaweed. The tsukemen soup wasn't spicy, so I added a little chili powder from a separate dish. Rather than a rich seafood-flavored soup, it tasted more like a thick cold soup due to the miso and bonito flakes. The noodles were thick and hard because they were chilled. It's satisfying to eat. That's not to say it wasn't delicious, but it wasn't good enough to make me want to eat it again.

  • Bono Miss

    Bono Miss


    My standard of spiciness is 7-25, but it's not spicy at all, just due to the difference in the amount of chili peppers. I sweat a lot when I eat the soup because it's hot and because of the chili pepper effect, but I realized that it's not because it's spicy. When I calmed down and let it cool down a bit, I ate it and found that the spiciness level was the same whether it was 7 or 25.

  • 芝田実沙



    I made it 9 spicy! If you don't like spiciness, maybe you can go for more! So next time I'll try 16 spicy! The melting cartilage is absolutely delicious ♡

  • User Account

    User Account


    I killed three flies while I was eating. There were so many flies that it was very unpleasant. How is the hygiene in the store? I had the worst experience of eating with a fly in my sight. After eating all the noodles, the fly landed in the soup and died. It was good because it was after dinner, but I shudder to imagine that I might have already eaten spicy noodles with flies in them without even realizing it. I was surprised at the hygiene concept that allowed food and drinks to be served in such an unsanitary environment. Employees may also be aware of this problem and have placed a bug at the cash register, but the countermeasures are insufficient. Is this a problem only at this store? I think it's really embarrassing to call it the Miyazaki main store.

  • 和美(アゥストラロピティクス)



    I have a paper apron but no tissues. When I went there before the move, it didn't taste very good as it looked like they had put chili peppers in the hot water, but after the move, it was better. I tried 10 spiciness and 15 spiciness with konnyaku noodles. I felt that 5 to 10 spiciness was a good balance. 15 Spicy had a strong hint of chili pepper. I cough when I slurp like ramen. And the burp is garlic I want to go to Sayaka in Nobeoka.

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