Cupid Minamishichiku en Niigata

JapónCupid Minamishichiku



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2-chōme-7-3 Minamishichiku, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0854, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-257-7821
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.8975196, Longitude: 139.0823756

comentarios 5

  • niigata yuuki

    niigata yuuki


    The restrooms were clean and the cashier staff was very helpful! It's a lively workplace!

  • 田中祐介



    I often come here to buy sashimi because it's reasonably priced, and today I'm going to buy this! There was no such thing.

  • K S

    K S


    There is a mistake in the food labeling. Old legal notation. I contacted the headquarters, but they still haven't fixed it. disappointing. Last year, I wanted this photo bucket of kiwi fruit and bought it, but the bucket was on sale. I learned a lot this year! it was good. I thought it was a violation of the Premiums and Representations Act. The amount has not changed from last year. Every time I see this kiwi, I think of it... It was quite difficult to specify the date... The side dishes are greasy than other stores. But when it comes to edamame, Cupid is the best. I like the Ishiyama store more than the Shichiku store because they have more products at discounts.

  • n e r o

    n e r o


    The shop is very clean and they sell my favorite Sekimoto Seimen's chilled 2-meal ``Najirarone'' ramen. In particular, I personally think that the rich miso taste is on par with that of a ramen restaurant. I carry multiple products from my favorite companies, so when I go to Niigata, I buy as much as I can and go home. I visited many other supermarkets in Niigata, but they didn't sell it. There is plenty of parking available, which is helpful. The customer service from the staff at that time was also good. I would like to use it again.

  • Dr. Somasundaram Arumugam

    Dr. Somasundaram Arumugam


    Little costly

Supermercado más cercano

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