Challenger en Niigata




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2-49 Kamiōsemachi, Higashi Ward, Niigata, 950-0063, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-270-5666
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.9339225, Longitude: 139.0867425

comentarios 5

  • Boo Team

    Boo Team


    I came on 6/2

  • 宏美Ama



    We have a wide selection of vegetables and side dishes. I'm also curious about the fact that it looks like bread from a bakery.

  • ちこちこ



    This is a great store for poor people. Quality is important when spending money, but if it's cheap and you can judge it based on its appearance and are satisfied with the purchase, then there's nothing to complain about. I can't say it's a luxury and I'm satisfied if I can eat it. The baby carriage in front of the cart gets in the way and makes it difficult to walk, and it seems to cause traffic jams at the store.

  • ブルー公公



    I am always indebted. It's often used on weekday nights, but I often find it a little uncomfortable because there are elderly people sitting in the side dish corner, probably looking for discounts. Please be aware that if you are going on a weekday night, you may get tangled up. It gets crowded on Saturdays and Sundays, but I don't see many people like that. I think it's good for stocking up.

  • Mamare Baquirin

    Mamare Baquirin



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