COFFEETER ムーラン en Niigata




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2 Banchō-664-1 Furumachidōri, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8063, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-224-7521
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.9171297, Longitude: 139.0413092

comentarios 5

  • h r y

    h r y


    2024/3/30 Egg sandwich (500) It was delicious 2023/9/9 Chocolate parfait (450) coffee (300) I received it 2023/8/17 Hamburger rice (Lunch with coffee 600 yen) I received it Probably tomatoes in salads Maybe I'll give it a try...? just for the sake of He gave me a pot of salt. I felt the store's care. It was after noon on a weekday. Without customers coming in again It was a busy shop (I'm not waiting to get in) The cost performance is great! No parking lot Cash only? Is that so?

  • InrI InrI

    InrI InrI


    Every time I eat meat sauce or Neapolitan from this restaurant, I nod and say, ``Oh, this is it.'' yes. Exactly the spaghetti. What do you really want to eat in this day and age where there are so many shiny things on the top? You can clearly see this when you stuff your mouth with this spaghetti sprinkled with powdered cheese and Tabasco. And it's cheap. Although the price has increased slightly, the meat sauce I received for lunch today was extra large and included coffee for ¥680 (June 2023). I feel so sorry. If it would be more profitable for the restaurant, I thought about ordering two plates of regular meat sauce instead of the special size. Even if that were the case, it wouldn't cost 1,000 yen. I think it's really helpful for students. We sincerely hope that the two people working at the restaurant will continue to enjoy Mulan for a long time to come by paying attention to their health. It was a feast. I'll come back later.

  • m y

    m y


    2023.5 Saturday lunch visit Fully booked at 12pm. The customer base is young and old. One plate with salad and drink. The volume and seasoning are a little strong, but it's satisfying and good. My favorite pudding a la mode is so delicious! I'm worried about the reasonable prices, but this is a restaurant I want to continue using.

  • Desak Nyoman Surya Suameitria Dewi

    Desak Nyoman Surya Suameitria Dewi


    It' nice place for lunch break. The price also affordable and the ambience is nice. I ordered hambagu rice and taste is okay. The banana shake is so refreshing

  • Jenya Yuss

    Jenya Yuss


    It is probably the closest restaurant from my work and it is always a pleasure to go there! The portion size is quite extensive and the food is freshly prepared and delicious. The price is also MORE than reasonable. For a big plate of spaghetti with meat sauce - only 380yen. (If regular size is not enough for you, there are super-size options as well !!)

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