Coffee Plaza East / Higashi Photo Studio in Aso

JapanCoffee Plaza East / Higashi Photo Studio



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1561 Kurokawa, Aso, Kumamoto 869-2225, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 967-34-1366
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.9359059, Longitude: 131.0790781

kommentare 5

  • Cookie Cook

    Cookie Cook


    It's such a cozy place with wonderful hours! The waitress was incredibly sweet! Thank you for adding additional charm to our visit!

  • Wensi Lim

    Wensi Lim


    Generous meal portions! The ingredients were fresh and well cooked. Tried the pork cutlet, hotstone rice with chicken and the diced beef set with rice. Almost all tables were filled around dinner time on Saturday. Food was still served fairly quickly. Take note that they are closed on Thursdays.

  • Fred Penwell

    Fred Penwell


    The food was delicious 😋🤤!! And the people were very kind to us all.

  • Hok Wa Yuen

    Hok Wa Yuen


    Good food and nice staff, enjoyed my beef bowl meal set here 😋

  • Lauren Lim

    Lauren Lim


    Quiet and cozy place for a stop by lunch. Chicken cutlet lunch set is delicious. Chicken is tender. I enjoyed the miso soup that came along with the set. Beef bowl lunch set is less outstanding. Reasonably price at ¥650 each. Ice water served free.

nächste Restaurant

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