Asobo no Sato Kugino Roadside Station in Minamiaso

JapanAsobo no Sato Kugino Roadside Station



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2801 Hisaishi, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1412, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 967-67-3010
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8187611, Longitude: 131.0415094

kommentare 5

  • Victor Huang

    Victor Huang


    Pleasant Sunday with food trucks.

  • May K

    May K


    Beautiful place with great view of Mt aso. Came here in Oct where cosmos & red Bush were in full bloom! There is also free spring water to drink so bring your empty bottle to fill!

  • Steve Chan

    Steve Chan


    A very good place for a meal , shopping, a brief stop , buying some fruits and vegetables. Also a big garden with lots of cosmo flowers. A beautiful place!

  • Jeck Deng Lau

    Jeck Deng Lau


    Very nice Mont Aso view with a nice cosmos flower park.

  • yo kou

    yo kou


    It’s open in new years holiday. You can go there to take pics of the mountains or take your dog to dog park or just shop for some fresh local veggies, fruits and they have also home made bentos and sandwiches. The best thing is getting aso farm milk ice cream or soft cream. If you are traveling alone and want to take picture of yourself; no worries they got you covered. They have a stand that holds phone for you.

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