Coffee arrow in Kumamoto

JapanCoffee arrow



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10-10 Hanabatachō, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0806, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-352-8945
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8018688, Longitude: 130.7067725

kommentare 5

  • wenby sulaiman

    wenby sulaiman


    This Ojisan is such a joy! He can’t hear me and I don’t understand his words, but we both laughed and enjoying our moments . Would become my yearly go to place whenever I’m back in Kumamoto. Stay healthy Ojisan.

  • KeoneEwe Yummy

    KeoneEwe Yummy


    How on earth this shop not featured in everywhere? I feel like I hit a jackpot! I simply browse google maps for coffee and found this. When I arrived around 2pm, it was empty, only the ojisan owner. And the small space and old style deco and classical music had me at Konnichiwa! They had me at Konnichiwa! It’s my every dream come true. I don’t speak Japanese, and the owner only sells one menu so there is no need to converse anything, just watching him pouring out water and making coffee. It’s like a gibli anime I tell you. The coffee is very very pale (call amber) and does not taste coffee due to extreme light roast, but I don’t really care. I enjoy every moment of the 30 mins share my life with the old Ojisan, his place needs to get some UNESCO heritage or something (sorry I’m that impressed) I wish Ojisan all the good health and shares his coffee with more people to come. Oh it’s ¥600 now, see my pic, (so cute)

  • Lycan Tay

    Lycan Tay


    Looks a lot like tea, but it is a coffee. Has very unique taste, does not taste bitter at all. Highly recommend people to try it out if you are in the area.

  • Patrick Lai

    Patrick Lai


    I’m surprised that it is not included in many of the tourist books. Cafè Arrow is quite a historical cafè and they only serve one product, ‘amber coffee’. The owner cum barista has been working here for 59 years focusing on his coffee. The famous and legendary Japanese writer Yukio Mishima (三島由紀夫) is a fan of Cafè Arrow and he started to fall in love with coffee here. The coffee here is as clear as water but with good aroma and taste. You just can’t miss this spot if you like coffee.

  • Patrick N

    Patrick N


    Nice old school feel coffee shop. The owner told me that he's has been at that location for 59 years and that his Amber(こはく) coffee is the only one in the world. He was very friendly. A must visit.

nächste Cafe

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