CoCo Ichibanya i Kanazawa

JapanCoCo Ichibanya



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2-chōme-202 Morito, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 921-8061, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 76-269-2006
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Latitude: 36.5572161, Longitude: 136.5987283

kommentar 5

  • kあやむ



    I heard from a friend that the 20-spicy version was released, so I tried it. In conclusion, the spiciness is not much different from 10 spiciness. I think you can imagine a powdery 10 spiciness. I think 10 spiciness is the limit for CoCo Ichi's spiciness.

  • 鹿しか(Gurumei)



    update I've been here many times, but this time I finally tried it from 15 onwards 💪🏻 It was quite spicy, but the spiciness was bearable and it was delicious. Personally, I think I prefer the one with a rating of 10 because you can still feel the sweetness. I really like 10 spicy beef curry ♡ ———————- I ate a summer curry, it looked very versatile and was delicious. This time I ordered 4 spiciness, but I think it's not enough, so I'd like to try 5 spiciness next time.

  • まりものゆん



    A spicy order of chicken and summer vegetable curry. Even though it's spicy, I'm sweating like 3 spicy 💦 Why lol There were some rings of red chili pepper in it. Please be careful if you don't like spicy food.

  • 小島好司



    I used it alone on a Saturday at 12:00. Counter seats are separated by thresholds to prevent coronavirus. Also, the fact that there is plenty of space is highly praised. Vegetable salad 189 yen (tax included) Choose from 3 types of dressing. I personally recommend the non-oil dressing as it has a melting texture. I had the pork cutlet curry with medium spiciness and 300g (normal size) for 788 yen including tax. The curry was piping hot, but the room was well-air conditioned, so there was no problem. The food was served within 5 minutes after ordering. No problem with customer service. I am satisfied with my usual reliable Kokoichi!

  • 木谷陽



    I want to eat curry! If you think about it, you'll almost always come here. I love the limited time menu soup curry. This season, there is one with chicken topping, and I chose it because it reminded me of my time in Gifu Prefecture. It was a delicious chicken with a sweet sauce. There are many types of toppings, but if you choose the one that interests you, you'll end up with a super high-quality curry before you know it. You can adjust the spiciness by using the spices on the table, so when ordering, choose the normal spiciness level (1). The minimum amount of rice is usually 200g. Although the variety is limited, there are half size and drink sets available. Miso soup even though it's a curry restaurant? I think, but this miso soup is delicious!

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