Club Viage Sakai in Sakai

JapanClub Viage Sakai



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1351-3 Fukaishimizuchō, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8273, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-277-8115
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5343775, Longitude: 135.4949165

kommentare 5

  • あやけん



    We went there for lunch to celebrate my wife's birthday. In one word, it is exceptional. It goes without saying that the food is delicious, but the hospitality is simply incomparable. This may be because it is attached to a wedding hall, but the staff were well-trained and provided perfect service from the time we entered the premises until we left. There's plenty of parking, the store is spacious, and there's plenty of room for everything.If you just look at the price range, it may seem expensive, but it's the best value for money. I'm worried about whether it's profitable or not. If you are interested, please come and visit us, and we would like you to come back and support us.

  • Novu (NOVU)

    Novu (NOVU)


    I used it for Mother's Day lunch. The service at the store was excellent, and I was able to enjoy a feeling that was more than worth the price. When I told her it was Mother's Day, she attached a message and a sparkler to the dessert plate. For lunch, I reserved a seasonal lunch for 3,300 yen. Beautiful hors d'oeuvres and soup. ➕You could change the soup to pasta for 300 yen, so I ordered pasta. For the main dish, you can choose meat or fish. I was able to get a second helping of bread, so I was full. My mother was also very happy. Thank you very much♪

  • sa-sa



    I visited at my daughter's invitation as a Mother's Day present. It was my first visit in a while. The staff were wonderful, they were more kind, polite, and had nice smiles than the staff at a five-star hotel in Osaka, and I had a pleasant meal. The food was a Spanish course, and the fish dish, rockfish, and the meat dish, tongue, were very delicious. The squid ink pasta was voluminous. On the dessert plate, there was a message written in chocolate, and there was a sparkler next to it, which really impressed me. I would like to thank my daughter and thank Mr. Viage for the meal. I would like to visit you again.

  • りいな



    2024.4 I visited for the first time in a while after seeing a post on Instagram. I didn't make a reservation, but they let me in as a walk-in. I chose the spring lunch, and all the dishes were elaborate and delicious. In particular, the bamboo shoots that came with the appetizer were very flavorful. The dessert was also cute and got me excited. And overall, the service spirit seemed to be conveyed through the large volume of food. I heard that you can replace the soup with pasta for an additional 300 yen...I think I'll try that when I come with a man. Outside the restaurant, the wedding hall, flower beds, etc. were beautiful and I was glad to be able to enjoy the extraordinary space. Thank you very much for your warm welcome despite my sudden visit.

  • maki kita

    maki kita


    I received a seasonal lunch of 3,300 yen. Either soup or pasta For main, choose either chicken or fish. In addition to the photo, bread is also included. The location is good, and although it's not cheap, I'm satisfied with both the taste and the service.

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