椿屋珈琲 日比谷離れ i Chiyoda City

Japan椿屋珈琲 日比谷離れ



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Japan, 〒100-0006 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Yūrakuchō, 1-chōme−2−5 椿屋珈琲店ビル 2F3F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3519-5753
internet side: www.towafood-net.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6731792, Longitude: 139.7605207

kommentar 5

  • 世英【せいえい】



    The atmosphere is very different from the Funabashi Faith Building store near my home. Hibiya has a much nicer atmosphere, and I think Tsubakiya's strengths are being brought out. I guess the restaurants in Funabashi are more like family restaurants compared to Hibiya. I love Tsubakiya's curry, but I ordered the mixed sandwich (1,730 yen including tax), which I had never tried before. Comes with salad and blended coffee (hot). I had high expectations because it was a Tsubakiya restaurant, but when I tried it, I thought it was just average deliciousness. I'm sorry, but I don't think you could make this much even if you asked an amateur woman close to you to make it for you. I thought the customer service was "fairly good." The atmosphere is so comfortable that you'll want to spend hours here reading books. Since it's in Hibiya and Takarazuka is nearby...I thought it was a wonderful shop that fit the area. The overall rating is high even after subtracting the quality of the sandwich.

  • Duc Anh

    Duc Anh


    An impressive cafe, the menu is very diverse including coffee, tea, cakes and food. The shop has an English menu (use phone). The cafe is really delicious, the way to brew coffee using Siphon is also special, Notably, the owner exudes a deep passion for ceramics.

  • Masato Hirota

    Masato Hirota


    Nallow space, but high quality coffee and good staff service.

  • yanxin



    Admittedly, I’m not a coffee person but my aunt, who fancies herself a coffee connoisseur, loved the way they brewed her coffee here. For me, this upmarket café has cool amenities as well as a crew of polite and professional staff. A shame that my old folks had to climb so many stairs to enjoy a cup of coffee though.

  • Gok Karaoke

    Gok Karaoke


    You can enjoy Victorian interior and atomosphere.

nærmeste Cafe

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