Chugoku Bank Okayama Ekimae Branch en Okayama

JapónChugoku Bank Okayama Ekimae Branch



🕗 horarios

2-5 Honmachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0901, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-225-0311
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6653091, Longitude: 133.9208658

comentarios 5

  • マン岡山



    When I go to the station, I only use ATMs, and I think there are fewer of them than before, but if you treat it like a regular bank, it's okay.

  • 上野たたき



    It can only be opened in the nearest location. After showing your resident card or My Number card I can't open an account The punch line was the most unpleasant.

  • あま



    The wait time is long even though the counter is open. I went there two years ago. Append. When I went to change my seat at the counter on the second floor, I was forced to wait even though it was empty after I took my seat. And the receptionist seemed lazy and unmotivated. I wonder if they're sitting cross-legged because it's a major local bank. It is obvious that it will eventually decline.

  • 鳥井廣二



    I always use ATMs only. There are no fees if you use the same ATM. The entrance is also on the back side, and there are many machines ❗

  • 雅通大塚



    The first floor is [Chugin Okayama Insurance Insurance Plaza] The second floor is [Bank of China] go up on the escalator Deposit/Withdrawal/Transfer Tax/utility charges 5 counters

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