55cafe in 宇土市




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒869-0436 熊本県宇土市定府町55
kontakte telefon: +81 90-5728-1809
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.6816266, Longitude: 130.6564021

kommentare 5

  • 峯達也



    I wanted to take pictures of hydrangeas after the rain, so I went to Sumiyoshi Natural Park in Uto City. I visited a cute cafe for lunch. This is 55cafe. An old private house is now a cafe. The light from the sunlight shining through the window gently envelopes me, along with the retro lighting inside the store. The soft tone of an acoustic guitar soothes the soul. The sound of Gonchichi's guitar doesn't get in the way at all. The daily lunch special, chicken stewed with paprika, was brought to the table. It was a healthy amount and delicious, as men like me are advised not to eat too much😋 An unused black telephone and an old electric fan give the space a calming color. Just like the changing colors of hydrangeas, the space is probably created by the owner's feelings. It was a quiet and comfortable shop.

  • K



    It was so comfortable that I ended up staying for a long time 😋

  • mitsuhiro matsumoto

    mitsuhiro matsumoto


    I drank a coffee. Is better . Thanks for a snack.

  • kinoko 32

    kinoko 32


    Used for lunch I'm a big eater so it wasn't enough for me, but the omelette rice was delicious.

  • みのる



    It's a relaxing cafe that makes me feel better every time.m(__)mThe problem is that the parking lot is narrow.

nächste Cafe

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