Chiyoda Zushi i Kawagoe

JapanChiyoda Zushi



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒350-1122 Saitama, Kawagoe, Wakitamachi, 24−9 EQUIA川越 3F
kontakter telefon: +81 49-224-5403
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9074887, Longitude: 139.4829756

kommentar 5

  • Thuý Nguyễn

    Thuý Nguyễn


    Understandable price. However the counter place is a bit narrow.

  • Tram Nguyen

    Tram Nguyen


    I would not recommend this place.

  • Ren



    Be careful when ordering the salmon because it tastes fishy here. I was very surprised when I started chewing because never have I experienced that! None of the other dishes smelled/tasted bad. Also I wasn’t offered any water (those around me were) so I didn’t feel welcomed. I probably won’t be visiting again.

  • Alex SL Lee

    Alex SL Lee


    Sushi are just fair. Price, however, is affordable.

  • Tami Tomoko O

    Tami Tomoko O


    The sushi is delicious here and the size of the fish is pretty big. I love their ¥280 plates, like the cut fatty tuna gunkan and the Aburi salmon. The only downfall with this place is that the seating is super small. The newly renovated place was made so they could seat as many people as possible.

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