Italian Tomato Café Jr. - Kawagoe Atre Maruhiro i Kawagoe

JapanItalian Tomato Café Jr. - Kawagoe Atre Maruhiro



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒350-1122 Saitama, Kawagoe, Wakitamachi, 脇田町105アトレマルヒロ1F
kontakter telefon: +81 49-226-0046
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9085088, Longitude: 139.4829472

kommentar 5

  • mari chan (ちゃんまり)

    mari chan (ちゃんまり)


    The store clerk doesn't seem very nice. cake is delicious

  • はわの



    Entered the store for the first time. I ordered a banana smoothie takeout. The staff was kind and asked me to take a seat and wait. However, the banana smoothie was not delicious 😭 Did you add all the ingredients? Isn't there a mistake in making it? I included a banana wrapped in plastic wrap, but is that banana okay? It wasn't as delicious as I wanted to ask😭It was just like ice water. I wanted to use it in the future because the cakes looked delicious, but I won't be going there again. i am sad. It really wasn't delicious.

  • かにみそ



    Many people spend time in the store quietly, making it a comfortable place to spend time💕 Royal milk tea 380 yen. This volume is amazing and so delicious 😋 It's one of the reasons I go there 🫶 I'll visit you again🙏

  • Io Ka

    Io Ka


    On the way back from walking around Kawagoe, I stopped by for a break. Ordered drinks and cake. There are several types of cakes, and I think you can see them in the showcase at the store. I felt quite calm inside the store.

  • 星月



    I use it when I have a short wait before lunch or when I want to relax by myself. There's nothing special about the inside of the store, but I think that's a good thing. The focaccia was more delicious than I expected.

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