Chitose Station Hotel i Chitose

JapanChitose Station Hotel


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7-chōme-1789-3 Chiyodachō, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-0062, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 123-49-3000
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.8285056, Longitude: 141.6507968

kommentar 5

  • Kuan Hui Chan

    Kuan Hui Chan


    Perfect location, small room just like most of the business hotels, bed was a bit old, overall cleanliness is acceptable. There was free coffee in the lobby area, breakfast was surprisingly good

  • Lin Kyaw

    Lin Kyaw


    Nice room with free breakfast. Easy access from and to Shin Chitose airport via the connected Chitose train station. There's also a nearby Aeon supermarket, some restaurants and even a shoe depot.

  • mandy l

    mandy l


    best hotel stay through out my whole trip. is better than some 4stars hotel. Must eat their breakfast! is so delicious! will definitely going back again when travelling back to Hokkaido.

  • T



    Around 8,000¥ per night on weekends (direct booking) which was reasonable. Just in front of the Chitose station. The bus to the airport departs from the street at back of the hotel. The service is good. The room is spacious even though some might feel the interior decor is aged. The breakfast is free of charge which begins from 6:00AM.

  • Kochi Strawberry

    Kochi Strawberry


    I love the hotel location. Connected to north gate of JR chitose station and just opposite of Aeon mall. I love the hotel staffs sweet smiles and kind welcome. They have baggage keeping services, as we arrived early before the check in time and went to north snowland. They check in process is fast, and they have welcome drink machine for us to enjoy. They also have microwave, rental car counter, post boxes, and some snack to purchase. I love the hotel decorations. Even though the hotel is small, but they had two elevators, and the room is super clean. I love the hotel view and they even had very nice and comfy working chair and desk. As a foreigner, i love the room hotel that have Japanese identity on it, such as lowered ceiling, bath tub and sitting on stool style of showering. The window can be open, for ventilation. They also provided pajama and slippers, room freshener spray, snow brushes, shoe horn and polish, have fridge and hairdryer. Check out is very easy, just drop the key into provided box, and exit to level 1F. The staff also helping us to call taxi as we need to go airport as early as 5am. Thank you very much for all your kindness. May the good karma return to all of you. Love hokkaido!

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