Chinese Ramen Yoshu-Shonin Sagami Ono Kitaguchi i Sagamihara

JapanChinese Ramen Yoshu-Shonin Sagami Ono Kitaguchi



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Japan, 〒252-0303 Kanagawa, Sagamihara, Minami Ward, Sagamiōno, 3-chōme−12−14 池田ビル
kontakter telefon: +81 42-740-9081
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Latitude: 35.531583, Longitude: 139.435778

kommentar 5

  • 唯我独尊



    I remember that when Yangzhou Merchant was established more than 30 years ago, all the employees were Chinese, and many of the suburban stores were popular and crowded with people. Nowadays, there are more and more stores in front of the station, and there are lines at noon on weekends. No matter what I eat, it's always delicious, but there are quite a few times when the cook doesn't make the right arrangements and the half-fried rice doesn't come out even after the ramen is finished, and the gyoza is slow. No matter which ramen I eat, there's not much soup. In the past, we used to serve fried rice soup in large bowls, but now we only serve half of it in soup bowls, which is rare. It's annoying to have to add subscriptions every time I go.

  • 冨岡弘文



    A wide variety of varieties and consistently delicious taste. I stop by for lunch alone, so I usually sit on the second floor, but the cheerful customer service, including the female staff, is very pleasant, and I would like to come again. I'm curious about what's going on this week with a weekday lunch that comes with 2 points for the weekly main dish. Today I was invited to try the ``rich salt ramen'' and was full with two gyoza and mini fried rice. Another feature is that you can choose from three types of sides, so I'd like to try a different combination next time. I thought it was a long-established store in Sagami-Ono, but it turned out to be a chain store, and the stable supply of ingredients may be an important factor in the number of products.

  • D. Duncan

    D. Duncan


    Love the Chinese food here. I wish I had come sooner. I have been looking for good Chinese food and it's so simple. By Sagami Ono Station so no issues with parking and if handicap may have issues as the place is tight on room. Ladies working were so attentive and sweet. Loved the fried rice, dumplings, egg rolls, and ramen. Just a nice place to eat a late lunch. It's so cute I cannot imagine it is open until 0430. Enjoy!!

  • yuyu_m



    You can enjoy various kinds of ramen here. Their mail magazine service is also nice!

  • Ojay Timot

    Ojay Timot


    Udon noodles was amazing!!

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