Chinese noodles Tsuruya en Osaka

JapónChinese noodles Tsuruya



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4-chōme-11-75 Tsurumi, Tsurumi Ward, Osaka, 538-0053, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6912-4374
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7026516, Longitude: 135.5621172

comentarios 5

  • F K

    F K


    Kurobuta Hiyashi Chuka, 1550 yen. The staff are quiet and don't talk except to the bare minimum. This is a store that has aged well both inside and out. Thick noodles, chewy, Kurobuta pork chashu Soft-boiled soft-boiled egg It's a little expensive, but I liked it. My companion seemed a little disappointed, saying that the thin noodles would have been better. It looked like he wanted to eat what is called normal hiyashi chuka. If you want to eat hiyashi chuka that is creative and different from the usual, this is a recommended restaurant. Male in his 40s

  • M. Ino (MGN)

    M. Ino (MGN)


    This ramen shop in Imafuku Tsurumi looks like an old-fashioned Chinese restaurant. I stopped by on a whim as another store was very busy. There is no menu at the entrance, so you can't see the menu unless you go inside, but the ramen was quite reasonably priced, and although I thought it was a little expensive, I decided against leaving and ordered the seafood ramen. The appearance of the ramen was a bit of a waste as it was buried in the soup, but the char siu was delicious and the soup was a little light but had a strong seafood aftertaste, so it was not far off from my expectations. However, I didn't know the menu and pricing until it arrived, so I felt a bit caught off guard.

  • グルメダイスキング



    Chinese Soba Tsuruya (Osaka/Imafuku Tsurumi) Kurobuta pork hiyashi chuka I want to eat chilled Chinese food on a hot day. So I went to eat some hiyashi chuka. I just arrived at Fukutsurumi. Previously on Kansai Local TV “Yoidon” I've always wanted to try it since it was introduced to me. Visited “Chuka Soba Tsuruya” It seems like it used to be Kadoya Shokudo. Arrived before 2pm and entered the store without waiting. There were only 2 people in the store. Immediately order “Kurobuta Hiyashi Chuka” The rice bowl arrives in about 15 minutes. It looks like cucumber with mustard miso and boiled egg. Simple but beautiful ramen hair with black pork chashu I'll eat the noodles right away. The flat noodles have a smooth texture that goes down your throat. Even though the noodles are chewy It tastes very good It also smells like wheat. The sweet and sour refreshing sauce is also good. Mixed with cucumber spicy miso It becomes an even more delicious sauce. The black pork chashu is also excellent. Thickly sliced ​​char siu with a fragrant outside. The inside is juicy and flavorful. It is also very satisfying to eat. The boiled eggs are soft and flavorful. it was delicious There was quite a bit of noodles, but they were delicious and easy to eat. I ate it up It seems similar to the Kadoya Shokudo hiyashi chuka that I ate before. It had a slightly different taste.

  • 有馬一樹



    A short walk from Osaka Metro Imafuku Tsurumi Station ✨ Both the exterior and interior look like a local ramen shop💯 .. I heard that the limited quantity ``Kurobuta Hiyashi Chuka'' at a popular ramen shop with long lines was so delicious that I immediately went for it😋 .. We arrived around 13:00. There were about 5 people in line, but we were guided into the store in about 15 minutes ☺️ .. Inside the L-shaped counter A handwritten menu is posted on the wall ☝️ .. Of course I ordered .. ■Kurobuta pork chilled Chinese food Beautiful arrangement & visuals🤩 You can already tell it's delicious just by looking at it .. The sauce is thin, so the flavor of the noodles is chewy and goes down your throat directly. The spicy oil on top of the cucumber is a great accent and you won't be able to stop using your chopsticks!! ️ .. and .. The char siu was so delicious😍 The texture and flavor were both outstanding and I regret that I should have added more toppings💦 .. The boiled egg is also melty 🤤 .. Be sure to try out the highly-perfected "Kurobuta Hiyashi Chuka" during the period! ️ .. .. Thank you for the meal😋

  • Rana Singh

    Rana Singh


    Very delicious!!

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