Gyoza no Ohsho - Hanaten Station en Osaka

JapónGyoza no Ohsho - Hanaten Station



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-21-63 Hanatenhigashi, Tsurumi Ward, Osaka, 538-0044, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6967-6911
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6881921, Longitude: 135.5649999

comentarios 5

  • 竹村幸展



    The most popular Chinese chain! Fried gyoza is the signature menu item. It is said that a restaurant's reputation is determined by the quality of its grilling.

  • ayako ayasa

    ayako ayasa


    Personally, I didn't want to eat it. It's scary because you can only check the takeout after you get home. I guess the people at the store thought this was okay.

  • 有限会社アタック塗研グルメ担当



    This is a restaurant that I often visit for lunch and dinner. It used to be open 24 hours a day, but about three years ago they changed to regular business hours, which is a shame, but I've always been satisfied. The lunch menu limited to the Hohan Station store is a great value and recommended!

  • m e

    m e


    As expected of a king! Finished quickly and piping hot! delicious! Osho tastes are completely different depending on the store, so it can be a hit or miss, but this one was a big hit. Is delicious! I feel like my level is higher than it was a few years ago! 🥰!! ️After the coronavirus pandemic We have a new take-out menu, and the store is so popular that there are long lines of take-out customers as soon as we open! There are many single customers on the first floor, and even young women come by themselves! The seats on the second floor also have chairs for infants, so it's great for families with babies. However, there are only a few chairs and the restrooms are shared by both men and women. In the reviews, there are many keywords such as order mistakes and sticky food, but I have never experienced anything like that 😓💦Some Osho stores have sticky fried rice and gyoza, but here the fried rice was dry and not greasy. The gyoza are also fried with minimal oil, making them crispy and delicious.

  • しばけん



    The most popular store near Hokkaido Station. At one point, they were open 24 hours a day, but perhaps because there wasn't that much demand, they returned to normal business hours. During mealtimes, the restaurant is crowded with eat-in customers and take-out customers waiting. There are table seats on the second floor, which are managed by one staff member, so when the seats are full, inexperienced trainees have a hard time handling the food that comes from the first floor kitchen. There are many times when I don't get the draft beer I ordered, but it shows how hard I work, so please forgive me. As for the taste, it's truly the king, and it's consistently delicious and never fails. So I guess everyone is going.

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