ę­Æē§‘ ćÆ恐恏ćæ恮郷 w Kanazawa

Japoniaę­Æē§‘ ćÆ恐恏ćæ恮郷



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-151 Tagamisakura, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-1157, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 76-255-0103
strona internetowej: www.hagukuminosato.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 36.5417858, Longitude: 136.6912727

komentarze 5

  • ko ni

    ko ni


    I had a silver tooth filling removed, so I went to have it replaced. Since I couldn't have silver teeth inserted, I had a filling made to match the color of my teeth, and the result was wonderful and didn't look like a filling. Our motto is painless treatment, and the director is energetic and makes dental treatment fun. It's popular, so if you have work, reservations are a must.

  • 悆悁



    My relationship with this dental clinic began before it opened, and I had been looking for a location where the doctor would open his practice. As I was driving by, I found a doctor preparing to open the hospitalā—I was so happy. The treatment is careful and the techniques and techniques are painless. After receiving treatment from the doctor, I began to take better care of my teeth, and check-ups became essential. Thank you.

  • 恂恋恕恟



    She told me that I needed to take an X-ray every time to remove tartar, so I got so fed up that I stopped going. It seems that a treatment plan cannot be determined without taking pictures. I only went there for cleaning. The waiting time is also amazing. I have never been seen on time for an appointment. I was kept waiting for 30 to 1 hour because I had an emergency patient. For some reason, I looked at the clock and said again, "It's an emergency!!" I didn't say anything. And there was no apology beyond "I'm sorry." If you do that, you'll probably have to work really hard to earn insurance points. Well, good luck. I won't go there again though.

  • ć¾ć„ć©ćˆćæ



    He is a dentist where you can receive treatment with peace of mind. I recommend this to a friend who hates dentists. There was a dentist I had been going to for a long time, but I was nervous, it hurt, and I was scared. I thought it was due to poor management on my part and had given up, but I decided to take the plunge and change to this. The anesthesia and treatment didn't hurt, and the doctor was so kind that I could even claim that I'm not scared! The staff are also kind! I wish I had received treatment here sooner.

  • nako ka

    nako ka


    I moved to Kanazawa and had no idea which dentist was good, but I chose this one because it had high reviews online. I read in advance on the website that they handle emergency cases, and since they didn't say they would take reservations, I thought they would see me even if I didn't have an appointment, but I was told at the reception that they only take reservations and refused to let me see them. Ta. I've been in such pain that I can't sleep unless I take painkillers all weekend and Sunday, and I told them that it hurts a lot, but I'm fully booked today. If they clearly wrote on their website that they were fully booked and that they couldn't accommodate emergencies, it would be natural for them to be at fault for not making a reservation...but honestly, I thought it was quite unreasonable. I think the hygienist who attended to me explained the situation thoroughly, but the young girl at the reception didn't even say hello from the beginning and was silent the entire time, which made me feel like she had a bad attitude. I will never go there again.

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