喫茶てのはan in Takamori




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒869-1602 Kumamoto, Aso District, Takamori, 1594−3 阿蘇郡
kontakte telefon: +81 80-4850-0147
webseite: www.tenohaan.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8192913, Longitude: 131.1245449

kommentare 5

  • Phil L

    Phil L


    Had a quick bite and drink while waiting for the Sunny train. The service was fast and great. The food was tasty. There is limited seating so you can be turned away.

  • Cameron Deamer-Phillips

    Cameron Deamer-Phillips


    Such a gem of a restaurant! We stopped in for “brunch” during a bike ride and ordered almost everything on the menu - and everything was exceptional! Make sure you get the beef stroganoff and the matcha shaved ice.

  • Dan Beauchesne

    Dan Beauchesne


    All of the food is really well made and delicious here. The owner puts a lot of care into using natural ingredients and cooking methods that are as natural as possible. We just tried their new breakfast menu and it was fantastic.

  • 彥宏



    Very nice place for take a dessert, Amazing on its strawberry shaved ice. Sweet but Soft … Ordering a Coffee is also a good choice for relax. I will be there in next time! :) Note: clerk also sharing the new activity of ice shop nearby South Aso !! She is very kind and introduces very well. See the pictures :) Again, amazing place that we have several kinds of fruit here !!

  • appleseater26



    Very unique organic place. I remember the green peas salad. The peas were really fresh and sweet. The owner explained that it was organically farmer. We could also buy some to take home which is nice. Wish I bought more of it. Thank you for everything

nächste Cafe

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