Chiaki Hospital in Ichinomiya

JapanChiaki Hospital


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Sannō-1 Chiakichō Shiojiri, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0815, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 586-77-0012
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Latitude: 35.2891155, Longitude: 136.8479544

kommentare 5

  • お笑い部長



    My father has severe diarrhea that won't stop and he has a chronic illness, so I was afraid of dehydration, so I called after hours and went there. I went because I was told to come, but I was not allowed into the examination room, I stood in the hallway talking, and was returned without treatment or medicine. I'll sue if anything happens.

  • Yuk T.

    Yuk T.


    I went there to get an MRI. Maybe it was because I was the first one in the morning, everything went smoothly from reception to being guided through the process, and even though I've had MRIs several times, I never had to wait. I thought it was normal to have to wait in line and wait for payment just to get an MRI, but it only took about 30 minutes after I arrived. Most people come to the hospital because they're not feeling well, so I'm really happy that the waiting time is short and there's no waiting time.

  • 野田隆之



    It doesn't feel very good. What leaves an impression is at the entrance. The curtain of the Communist Party. Rather than what the Communist Party says Japan Medical Association support is supported by the Liberal Democratic Party, but each hospital does not proudly put up LDP posters like this. I don't think it's politically fragrant whether it's the Liberal Democratic Party, the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Happiness Realization Party, or the Reiwa Shinsengumi. In the middle of the grounds of Chiaki Hospital Kiso Ontake Honkyo Fukuju Fudo Church There is. It might be related because it smells like the same Communist Party. The most important aspect of the medical system is the medical system, but it is difficult to judge whether the doctors themselves are good or not, so I will avoid making judgments. The administration was poor and overbearing. Specify the date and time at your convenience. I was sent back multiple times because I had left out some paperwork. Even though I was told what I needed for hospitalization and brought it with me, I still had to bring it the next day, and then the next day. I needed that, I needed this too, so I was made to bring it. It was really appropriate. For example, I get the impression that the leader of the Communist Party is giving instructions to the people.

  • M・I



    Despite the pathological diagnosis of the removed colon polyp being malignant, the patient failed to contact us by phone and was left alone for about a month. Moreover, the part of the intestine that could not be removed remains inside the body. Until then, he had been seeing the doctor regularly for other cases, but there were several cases where he had not been billed for the consultation fees, and there were many times when he had to worry about sharing information with administrative staff. I've been using this clinic for years because it's close to my home and it's easy to park in the parking lot, but this incident turned out to be fatal and I couldn't stand it anymore so I changed to another hospital. I have to say that this is a hospital that is not worth entrusting one's life to, as it lacks crisis management that is patient-friendly. In the end, I couldn't leave it as it was, so I went to another hospital for a re-examination. As the date had passed, it took some time to identify the affected area, and as a precaution, I was told that it would be better to have surgery to remove it, so I had to undergo surgery and be hospitalized despite my reluctance. In the first place, it all started because the endoscope wasn't able to remove all the affected areas. I have nothing but anger towards this hospital.

  • Kenny Verwiyi

    Kenny Verwiyi



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