Chateraise Gateaux Kingdom Sapporo i Sapporo

JapanChateraise Gateaux Kingdom Sapporo


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Shinoro-132 Higashibarato, Kita Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 002-8043, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-773-2211
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.1713202, Longitude: 141.355762

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Collins

    Michelle Collins


    better than noboribetsu grand hotel. buffet is much better and table is well sterilized before next serving.

  • Kakaro To

    Kakaro To


    Good hotel , very big and clean , have a swimming pool and spa , breakfast and dinner is very delicious

  • Zhen Hui Loo

    Zhen Hui Loo


    Spacious rooms. I like the bathroom in particular. However, my advice to my friends with tattoos is to book another hotel if you enjoy onsen. Been to 6 different hotels in Hokkaido and this is the only one which rejected my entry into the onsen. Location is pretty bad too.

  • Kelly Willi

    Kelly Willi


    Your classic resort style hotel with all the features you’d expect that to have. Pool with slides, ok buffet meals, and nice onsen with multiple types of bathing areas (my favorite was the hot to cold stone walking path). I stayed in one of the more updated rooms, it was actually quite large and the bathroom was extremely nice. Some of the furniture was a bit worn out but not in bad shape. Definitely family friendly.

  • 邱呈瑞



    Very nice hotel! We rented children toy from the front!!They invited us delicious cookies and wine when checking. So nice the hot spring and warm swimming pool. The room is quite large, included private room, restaurant, and toilet. And truest fully delicious breakfast. I love this hotel a lot!

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