チャング プラント i Nishihara

Japanチャング プラント



🕗 åbningstider

3602-5 Komori, Nishihara, Aso District, Kumamoto 861-2402, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-279-3813
internet side: chang-style.com
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Latitude: 32.8381197, Longitude: 130.8882211

kommentar 5

  • Wolfey (Wolfey5150)

    Wolfey (Wolfey5150)


    This is a curry restaurant that you would drive 250km round trip to eat. Original retort curry is also on sale now. Please give it as a souvenir. New menu from April 2024 Shrimp curry🦐 Spicy and delicious🤤 I'd love to!

  • もっきン



    Although it was before the store opened, I was able to enter and had the chicken curry. I prefer country curry, but I can eat it all in no time. It was delicious. The correct answer is rice, you can add as much as you want! I wonder what I should do next time😆

  • 後藤美香(いちごとみかん)



    I came to eat curry!! ️As rumored, it was amazing ( 💓∀💓) I ate red beef steak curryΨ( 'ч' ☆) The lean steak that topped the dish was tender, the curry was spicy, and it went well with the soft-boiled egg and was delicious😋

  • U M

    U M


    ★I gave it two, but I'll say it first. The curry is delicious! The customer service was good, and the atmosphere of the store was great! However, the curry side dish spoiled the overall taste, so I gave it 2 stars in hopes of improving it in the future. _______________ First visit. The moment I entered the store, I could smell the spices and could feel how serious they were about curry! Ordered keema curry. It was quick and I didn't have to wait long for it to be served! The roux itself was relatively watery and I could eat it like a soup curry! It was delicious! ! It just came with an assortment (?)... Pickled cabbage? ? The orange gave a sour aftertaste and ruined the curry...(T_T) First of all, the amount of pickled vinegar (?), which seems to have been added with the intention of refreshing it, is a bit large. Thanks to that, I ended up adding boiled rice and pickles in the second half... So, I ate an orange at the end, but since it was served with spicy curry and sour pickled vinegar, I thought it would be sweet, but it turned out to be much more sour than pickled vinegar. Honestly, at the very end, it left a sour taste in my mouth and it was the worst ending... Again, the curry itself is very spicy and delicious! However, I wish they had paid close attention to the amount and taste of the garnishes. If you want to add an orange, you can add it, but I would like it to be something that is edible. It was a waste of the delicious roux.

  • GOLDゴールド



    I would like to visit [Changu Plant] located in Komori, Nishihara Village, Aso District, Kumamoto Prefecture. It is located along the road from near Kumamoto Airport towards Aso, and there are several parking spaces available in front of the store. The inside of the store has a nice atmosphere, with bikes and pictures and photos. There are counter seats and table seats where you can enjoy curry while looking at the outside scenery. order ・Chicken curry → 935 yen *Price includes tax. Unfortunately, the chicken leg curry I was looking for was sold out on that day...I read the reviews from MyRebi and thought it looked impressive and delicious, but I wonder if it's really popular? Chicken curry is served in about 2.3 minutes after ordering. ◯Rice The round, raised rice has a strong presence! There is a warning on the menu that you should be careful as there is a large amount of rice, so I ordered the regular size. ◯Lou The spiciness of the spices comes later! It's probably quick because you just add the curry you chose, but it turns out to be an authentic spiced curry. ◯Ingredients It's a chicken that has been shredded to make it easier to eat with potatoes, like a potato salad. The curry was so delicious that I wanted more rice! You might not be able to finish it if it's a large portion, but the regular size was just a little short of full, making it the perfect amount! It was delicious! It was a feast!

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