All Day Dining RITOAS en Kitakyushu

JapónAll Day Dining RITOAS



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒802-0001 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Ward, Asano, 2-chōme−14−2 リーガロイヤルホテル小倉 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 93-531-1070
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8881713, Longitude: 130.8845703

comentarios 5

  • Ai Hon

    Ai Hon


    I went to the order buffet for dinner. I think the prices are a bit high, but I'm happy because the staff are courteous and you can eat as much as you want while sitting at your table, and the staff are courteous. I thought it would be nice to be able to choose my favorite dessert as well. Ordering is via QR code, so it was easy to order. Even if you have children, they treat you kindly.

  • PUPU



    I went for the lunch buffet! As a member, the price is a little cheaper ☺ Membership registration is free 🙌 The food was delicious, but I was impressed by the dessert 🍰 I was happy with the smaller size!! The quality of each item was excellent and everything was very delicious. The atmosphere of the restaurant is nice, and it's the perfect place when you want something a little more luxurious than your usual lunch (^^) I'll be coming back ♡

  • ぽ


    September 2023 Dinner included in the accommodation plan🥂 All-you-can-eat plan with 17 main and side dishes Read the QR code from your smartphone This is the ordering system 📱 The staff will bring it to you each time. The waiting time from ordering to being served I'm glad it wasn't long. The presentation is beautiful and everything is delicious🤤🍽 Especially the bread is so hot and fluffy that I want to buy it. I liked it... (lol) The staff are also polite. I felt calm and as expected 🤵🏻‍♂️ I'm very satisfied with the comfortable space. Thank you for the meal🙏🏻

  • Nobinoor Khan

    Nobinoor Khan


    I like there buffet breakfast.its delicious.... Stuff's are very friendly

  • Sivasankar Mohankumar

    Sivasankar Mohankumar


    It was an excellent lunch. All items are very good here...

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