Central Dental Clinic en Niigata

JapónCentral Dental Clinic


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🕗 horarios

4-10 Konan, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-1151, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 25-281-1711
sitio web: shiratori-royal.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.8769231, Longitude: 139.039689

comentarios 4




    After my wisdom teeth were removed, my lower tooth developed a radicular cyst. Even though he originally said, "It hurts, something is wrong," he only says, "It can't hurt because the nerves were removed. It's just my imagination," and he doesn't even think about the effect on other parts of the body that are adjacent to it. . It's really terrible. When it comes to dentistry here, it's impossible to say, ``I can do it without pain!'' ``If it hurts, please raise your hand.'' → ``Please hold on a little longer.'' I raised my hand with great patience. This wouldn't happen if I went to a great dentist. It's really terrible here.

  • 峯貴一郎



  • Denisa Paštiakova

    Denisa Paštiakova


    I really recommend this place. The doctor and all the nurses are very kind and professional. The doctor is really professional. Thank you very much

  • とん



    All the teachers and assistants are young. Although they were all young, their skills were great. We perform pain-free procedures such as tooth removal procedures.

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