Carina en Suginami City




🕗 horarios

5-chōme-19-6 Igusa, Suginami City, Tokyo 167-0021, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3301-3488
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7259525, Longitude: 139.603727

comentarios 5

  • 遠矢ノブ民



    What kind of sandwiches are lined up in the showcase in a store with a Showa retro feel? It's fun to just get lost and wonder what to choose and buy when the person in front of you is in line. I'm so curious... A simple, unpretentious and gentle sandwich will give you a sense of relief! Lately, I've been buying sandwiches at Karina before Kitchen Nankai opens at 11:30, eating at Kitchen Nankai during the day, and eating Karina's sandwiches at night. I call this my happiness routine! I believe that the fact that these two stores are located side by side is the pride of Kamiigusa, which is often thought of as a local station. You who ran through the Showa era You who ran through the Heisei era To you, running through Reiwa There are many people who are filled with various feelings about the history that has been loved by local residents for many years. I'm one of them too! Showa retro heritage! Karina and Kitchen Nankai are immortal and will be remembered for generations to come!

  • makoto



    A long-established sandwich specialty store. Apparently, in the past, you could eat a sandwich while drinking coffee inside the store. I found out about this about 20 years ago. Although it doesn't have fancy ingredients or modern fashion, it has simple and flavorful ingredients that are typical of sandwiches, so you'll have a hard time deciding which one to eat. The taste is perfect. It's delicious no matter what you eat. I think this sandwich has a nostalgic taste and makes you feel happy.

  • hello candies

    hello candies


    Kind and cheap! 🥪 The retro atmosphere is nice, and I think the sandwiches will suit everyone's taste, no matter what you choose. 🤤

  • りえ



    [2024.3.16] Visited on Saturday morning. When we started lining up at 8 o'clock, there were probably less than 10 people. This time the egg sandwich is sold out. Vegetables, ham cheese, strawberries, Purchased jam peanuts. While making sandwiches in the back, We sell freshly made items while replenishing them. There is only one sales person I feel like I have to wait in line. Vegetable sandwich with crunchy vegetables The gentle taste was very nice. There are many types I've lost sight of it... “I hope the strawberries don’t sell out.” While thinking about this, the person in front of me in line makes a purchase. I was very interested in the item.

  • K100rstaro02



    I was worried about the line in the morning, but I went to the nearby Iwasaki Chihiro Art Museum and was so impressed that I realized there was a sandwich shop there. When I remembered this, I went there and saw that they only had about 6 items in 2 types, so I bought an egg sandwich and a vegetable sandwich. The customer who came later bought all the rest. When I looked at the reviews later, it turned out to be a great restaurant. I should have bought it first. I immediately got an egg sandwich on the station platform. The gentle taste made me feel happy! Kamiigusa is amazing!

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