cafebar The1965 in Sendai

Japancafebar The1965



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒980-0811 Miyagi, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Ichibanchō, 3-chōme−8−1 ラ・ベルヴィ 2F
kontakte telefon: +81 120-221-965
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.261258, Longitude: 140.872753

kommentare 5

  • C. Bauer

    C. Bauer


    Actually a very nice shop, but they charge 990 yen per person. Table charge! We had a beer for 850 yen and had to pay an extra 990 yen per person. That is very unfriendly. Attention tourists, no information about this in English. Think about it.

  • 西舘保宗



    I was only able to take a photo of the salad, but This is my favorite restaurant where you can feel the commitment to food and drinks. Even though I say that Feel free to put it in without any decoration. This is a shop filled with the kindness of the couple who run the shop.

  • hiro



    I visited a bar run by a couple born in 1965 through an introduction from a friend who was born in 1965. We had an event for our 8th anniversary. Now, about the food, the pizza is especially delicious. It seems they also ship nationwide. I had draft beer and highball, but the atmosphere was nice, so I got a bottle. I kept the bottle, so let's go again~

  • イケ“イケチャンネル”チャンネル



    It is a cafe bar located in the center of Sendai, located on the second floor. They have a variety of alcoholic beverages, and the cocktails made with seasonal fresh fruits are delicious. The food is also very delicious, from pasta to handmade pizza🍕 and Mont Blanc made with seasonal ingredients. There are many seasonal menus, and if the owner likes fishing and you're lucky, you might be able to enjoy a set meal of the fish you caught. It's convenient because you can find almost any menu you want if you come here.

  • 伊藤典子



    Everything was very delicious, including the miso Japanese-style pizza and the thick and chewy Neapolitan. The first time I drank Hyuganatsu beer, it was refreshing and I fell in love with it. I'm really glad that the family I brought along enjoyed it too! I'll come back later! !

nächste Bar

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