Hotel Crown Palais Kobe en Kobe

JapónHotel Crown Palais Kobe



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1-chōme-3-5 Higashikawasakichō, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0044, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 78-362-1155
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6787933, Longitude: 135.1799111

comentarios 5

  • HapiTravels



    A decent hotel near the kobe port and kobe port tower. The hotel is slightly overpriced for the service and rooms it offers. The rooms are clean and decent but there’s nothing really special to it. Thats pretty much how you describe the whole hotel, theres just nothing to it, its your typical hotel. Breakfast buffet is good and has limited choices, the view was good at the least on the top floor where breakfast is served. The only best thing about this hotel is its location. You’re near the port and basically at the heart of kobe.

  • georges B

    georges B


    Soooo.... where to start, it seems that all of the money went to restore the lobby and the restaurant. For a 4 star hotel it looks old, the hall ways are something out of a communist 90's holiday house, we booked specifically a 4 star hotel to have the accommodations that comes with it. The air conditioner was not working so instead of allowing us to change the room we were offered a magnificent fan....or open the window with the view on the train station and the noise that comes along, the guy that came to fix it literally just pushed around the buttons we were pushing before. We were 3 people staying the night and asked for an extra looks like a bed they took out of a scary movie that sinks in after you sit or lay down on in it. The pluming is not suited to accomodate so many floors we were on the 12th floor out of 16 and the water was almost not flowing and the hot water almost non existing. The spa is for an extra fee and working from 15 to 23 but of course it had to work from 19:00 the day we came so didn't use that one at all. The general overview, it's a hotel that puts money before reputation and satisfaction of it's customers, honestly hope to see it closed one day. Terrible experience, avoid at all cost !

  • Chong Chye Chia

    Chong Chye Chia


    Hotel Crown services is good.. the room is spacious, the Hon Sen is big and good.. worth to try

  • Nana Jjj

    Nana Jjj


    Room a bit old/ run down. Some room air conditioning not working too well. Very good service. Room looking over Kobe station, very beautiful but too noisy if you open the window. Excellent location, near station and harbor land. Not too far but walking distance.

  • Alex Patterson

    Alex Patterson


    The only good part of this hotel is the location. Everything in it is old/outdated. The shower is terrible (hot/cold fluctuation without turning the knobs), the TV is very old, there’s black mold in the bathroom, the carpet is weirdly unevenly colored/stained, and there is dust everywhere that’s somewhat hidden. Worst hotel experience I’ve had in a while, a must avoid.

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