cafe miu i Nasushiobara

Japancafe miu



🕗 åbningstider

6-chōme-1229-77 Shimonagata, Nasushiobara, Tochigi 329-2712, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 287-47-4717
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.8733621, Longitude: 139.9994876

kommentar 5

  • りりか



    This is my first time using it. A I ordered lunch and ordered strawberry milk and strawberry parfait 🥺💕 No matter what I ate for lunch, it was really delicious and looked fun too ✨ The strawberry milk was also delicious, and what really impressed me the most was the parfait! The balance between the crispy pie crust, berry gel, black tea panna cotta, and strawberries is really great. It was really delicious! I can't recommend it to people who don't have much time as it seems like it's a tough business to run by one person, but the food was worth the wait ☺️

  • mikeinumiruku



    Enjoy a relaxing cup of tea in a cute house with an attic. It was a very happy time. The Otome parfait is a mix of various flavors, and although it is small, it is very satisfying. The building faces the street, but the entrance is on the back side, and the location of a house in a quiet residential area is perfect. Unexpectedly, I got off work early and was finally able to come. Depending on the day, it may be okay to arrive at 5pm. I would like to visit you again.

  • 加藤正江



    It looks well balanced and delicious! The atmosphere of the store is good, so... I end up staying too long.

  • 心愛



    I ordered scones and Darjeeling. You can choose two types of scones out of three, plain and milk tea flavored. You can choose honey or jam for the sauce, and I chose honey. The scones were warm and had a gentle flavor even without adding anything. Since it comes in a pot, I was able to drink two cups of Darjeeling. Since I was given sugar and milk, I enjoyed my second cup of milk tea. The store has a second floor and has a very nice atmosphere, and there are sofas so I could relax. The owner is bright and friendly. I want to come again.

  • 猪狩ヨランダ



    good 👍😉☺️

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