Cafe house Watanabe en Kitahiroshima

JapónCafe house Watanabe



🕗 horarios

3706 Tsushimi, Kitahiroshima, Yamagata District, Hiroshima 731-1712, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 80-4260-1303
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6489143, Longitude: 132.4406128

comentarios 5

  • 矢吹有子



    The owner is smiling 😃 Reliable service Toyohira vegetables were used in abundance. Soup curry 🍛 Delicious.

  • yoshi kei

    yoshi kei


    Needless to say, the chiffon cake is exquisite. I had the soup curry from the lunch menu for the first time. The soup curry is full of delicious vegetables, and the soup is deep and deep. Both the salad and pickles (winter melon pickles this time) were fresh and delicious. I had lunch before going to the store, but I finished it completely. delicious.

  • 吉川とよ子



    The light soup curry was perfect for a hot day. Dessert was also delicious!

  • 佐々木弘信



    I had soup curry. It was a very delicious soup curry with lots of seasonal vegetables.

  • Hibiscus T

    Hibiscus T


    I received a plain chiffon cake that I purchased in Hiroshima city. It is so delicious that it overturns the concept of chiffon cake. It maintained the fluffiness characteristic of a chiffon cake, but had the moistness of a Baumkuchen, as well as the deliciousness of the eggs, similar to pudding. I would definitely like to eat at Cafe house next time.

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